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二十四节气 | 雨水:好雨知时节-天天快资讯


The Rain Water, the second of the 24 SolarTerms, falls around the Lantern Festival (between February 18 and 20 in the Gregorian calendar) each year, when the solar longitudereaches 330 degrees. By the time, the temperature begins to rise up, the snow and ice begin to melt, and rainfalls become frequent, hence the name “Rain Water”.

好 雨 知 时 节


Good rain knows its time right


Photo from Xinhuanet.com




Rain Water is a solar term full of romance. Unlike sudden downpours in summer and cold showers in autumn, spring drizzles often fall at night, silently nurturingeverything on Earth; they are pleasant rainfalls alongside the falling apricot petals. Spring drizzles oftenmake one cheer up and feel happy. Across the ages, writers and poets have left numerous poems and proses eulogizing timely spring rains.

“The royal streets are moistened by a creamlike rain;Green grass can be perceived afar but not nearby.”In the poem, Han Yu described spring drizzle as smooth as cream, and the lawn after rain looking green when viewed from distance but colorless nearby. This poem vividly depicts the obscure scenery after rain in early spring.

“Good rain knows its time right;It will fall when comes spring.With wind it steals in night;Mute, it moistenseach thing.”In the poem “Happy Rain on a Spring Night”, Du Fu expressed his affection for the spring rain, and the scenery it portrays is full of elegance and tranquility. The poem is like a painting, eulogizing the timely spring rain that moistens everything.


Photo from Xinhuanet.com


If the solar term Beginning of Spring marks the start of the year, Rain Water heralds the beginning of life in the new year. Every living creature, ranging from plants and crops to human beings, demonstrates limitless vitality and potential with the arrival of Rain Water.

雨 水 与 惊 蛰

Rain Water and Awakeningof Insects


Of the current 24 Solar Terms, Rain Water is the second oneafter Beginning of Spring. The next two that follow it are Awakening of Inspect and Spring Equinox. In Book of Han—Records of Music and Calendar, however, the first four solar terms of spring in sequence were Beginning of Spring, Awakening of Insects, Rain Water, and Spring Equinox. But now, Rain Water falls prior to Awakening of Insects. The aforesaid calendar used to prevailfor a long time during the Han Dynasty (202 BC-220 AD).


Photo from Xinhuanet.com


So, why did people adjust the sequence of Rain Water and Awakening of Insects at that time? It is said that The Book of Rites—Lunar Termshas detailed depictions for phenologicalchanges in every month and every season, and the terms it used are similar to the names of the later 24 Solar Terms. For instance, when depicting the phenological traits of the second month of spring, The Book of Rites—Lunar Termssays that “rain water begins”. However, as a solar term, Rain Water fell in the first month of spring, which went against the depiction. For this reason, during Wang Mang’s reforms at the end of the Western Han Dynasty, Liu Yin, the High Priest, placed Awakening of Insects in the first month and Rain Water in the second month when he was ordered to compile the new calendar San Tong Li (“Triple Concordance Calendar”).

《宋书》 图片来源:二十四史赏析

The Book of Song(Photo from Appreciation of the Twenty-Four Histories)


After the Wei(220-266), Jin (266-420) and Southern and Northern Dynasties (420-589), more and more people began to re-recognize the sequence of the 24 Solar Terms in Writings of Prince Huainanand Lost Book of Zhou. Accordingto Shen Kuo’s Book of Song—Records of Music and Calendarand the calendarof 450, the 11th year of the Tianping Zhenjun reign of Emperor Taiwu of the Northern Wei Dynasty, Rain Water as a solar term had been changed back to the first lunar month, following Beginning of Spring—just as today.

春 雨 贵 如 油

Rain in Springtime is as

Precious as Oil




Farmers are busy in spring plowing in early spring.

Photo from Xinhuanet.com



Rain Water is the first solar term of the year to indicate precipitation. China is a major agricultural country. Farmers believe that the whole year’s work depends on a good start in spring. After the slack season of winter, they begin a year’s farming work with the arrival of Rain Water.

A saying goes that rain in springtime is as precious as oil. Around Rain Water, winter crops as oilseed rape wheat begin to turn green, and they demand more water. Therefore, appropriate rainfalls are vital to the healthy growthof crops in springtime.

雨 水 暖,倒 春 寒

Cold Spell in Late Spring Despite Temperature Rise around Rain Water



A tourist roams under a blooming plum tree in rain.

Photo from Xinhuanet.com





Around Rain Water, temperaturerises above freezing point in most parts of China, and iced rivers begin to thaw. Despite the rapid rise of temperature during the period, cold currents remain active, bringing chill to late spring.

As it turns warm, human skins become soft, resulting in the weakeningof cold-resistance capacity. For this reason, people still need to keep themselveswarm. However, excessive clothing during the period is also unhealthy.

In addition, the land becomes moist and the weather is moderate around Rain Water. It is a good time to nourish theintestines and stomach, enrich theyang, reinforce the spleen, and remove moisture of the body. People should pay attention to balanced dietby eating various kinds of food. They are suggested to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables and less greasy, cold foods. Moreover, peopleneed to smoothen their minds, work and rest appropriately, and keep regular hours in daily life, so as to dispel evil, remove dampness, and strengthen the liver and inner energy.

It is important to maintain personal health. With the arrival of spring, everything regains life. It is easy for variousgerms and viruses to grow and spread. Therefore, people need to strengthen disease preventionand protect themselves well. They should do exercises, especially aerobics, on a regular manner, so as to enhance their capacity to resist diseases.


1. 人民日报:《今日雨水丨好雨知时节 当春乃发生》

2. 徐丽成:《在“二十四节气”里读懂中国丨雨水:生命萌动的时节,蕴含无限潜能》

3. 封面新闻:《我们的节日·口述民俗丨东风解冻,散而为雨 关于“雨水”,你知道多少?》

4. 新华网:《今日迎来“雨水”节气 仍需预防“倒春寒”注意保暖》




